A Demo Matlab code for MLTSVM for multi-label learning problem.
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Wei-Jie Chen, Yuan-Hai Shao*, Chun-Na Li and Nai-Yang Deng.
Multi-label twin support vector machine for pattern classification[J].Submitted.
Main Function
Need kernel function, SOR solver, and Evaluate function. (included in Demo)
function PredictY= MLTSVM(TestX,Data,FunPara)
% MLTSVM: Multi-label twin SVM for multi-label learning
% PredictY = MLTSVM(TestX,Data,FunPara)
% Input:
% TestX - Test Data matrix.
% Each row vector of fea is a data point.
% DataTrain - Struct value in Matlab------Training data.
% Data.X: Input dataset N-by-D data matrix.
% (N examples, D dimensions)
% Data.Y: Label Y N-by-L matrix.
% (N examples, L labels)
% If instance x is associated with "label 1", then set label 1 as +1, otherwise -1)
% Data.MLSize: the kinds of label
% FunPara - Struct value in Matlab. The fields in options
% that can be set:
% p1: [0,inf] penalty factor for empirical risks.
% p2: [0,inf] penalty factor for RKHS term.
% kerfPara:Kernel parameters. See kernelfun.m.
% Output:
% PredictY - Predict label set of the TestX.
% Examples:
% A = rand(100,2);
% B = rand(100,2)+ 2;
% C = rand(30,2) + 1;
% X = [A;B;C];
% Y = [ones(100,1) -1*ones(100,1);...
% -1*ones(100,1) ones(100,1);...
% ones(30,1) ones(30,1);];
% Data.X = X;Data.Y = Y;
% TestX = [rand(20,2);rand(20,2)+ 2;rand(20,2)+ 1;];
% TestY = [ones(20,1) -1*ones(20,1);...
% -1*ones(20,1) ones(20,1);...
% ones(20,1) ones(20,1);];
% FunPara.p1=1;FunPara.p2=1;
% FunPara.kerfPara.type = 'lin';
% PredictY =MLTSVM(TestX,Data,FunPara);
% Evaluate(PredictY,TestY, 1);
% Wei-Jie Chen, Yuan-Hai Shao*, Chun-Na Li and Nai-Yang Deng.
% "Multi-label twin support vector machine for pattern classification", Submitted 2015
% version 1.0 --May/2014
% version 1.1 --Nov/2014
% Written by Wei-Jie Chen (wjcper2008@126.com)
% Initialization
MLSize = Data.MLSize;
c1 = FunPara.p1 * ones(MLSize,1); c2 = FunPara.p2 *ones(MLSize,1);
n = size(Data.X,2);
m = size(Data.X,1);
Alpha = cell(Data.MLSize,1); U = cell(Data.MLSize,1);
% Train classifier using SOR solver
for k = 1:MLSize
A = Data.X((Data.Y(:,k)==1),:);
B = Data.X((Data.Y(:,k)==-1),:);
m1 = size(A,1); m2 = size(B,1);
e1 = ones(m1,1); e2=ones(m2,1);
% Cache kernel matrix
kerfPara = FunPara.kerfPara;
if ~strcmp(kerfPara.type,'lin')
A = kernelfun(A,kerfPara,Data.X);
B = kernelfun(B,kerfPara,Data.X);
O1 = speye(m+1);
O1 = speye(n+1);
H = [A,e1];
G = [B,e2];
% Solve QPP by SOR solver
HH= (H'*H+c2(k)*O1)\G';
HHG = (HHG+HHG')/2;
U(k) = {-HH*Alpha{k}};
clear A B H G HH HHG
% Predict and output
mT = size(TestX,1);
e = ones(mT,1);
NormU = zeros(Data.MLSize,1);
if ~strcmp(kerfPara.type,'lin')
K = [kernelfun(TestX,kerfPara,Data.X),e];
for k = 1:Data.MLSize
NormU(k) = 1/sqrt(U{k}(1:m)'*U{k}(1:m));
K = [TestX, e];
for k = 1:Data.MLSize
NormU(k) = 1/sqrt(U{k}(1:n)'*U{k}(1:n));
cutoff = min(NormU);
Distance = [];
for k = 1:Data.MLSize
Distance = [Distance K*U{k}*NormU(k)];
Distance = abs(Distance) - cutoff;
PredictY = (Distance <= 0) -1*(Distance > 0);
MsLable = find(sum((PredictY ==-1),2)==Data.MLSize);
[~,index] = min(Distance(MsLable,:),[],2);
for i =1:length(index)
PredictY(MsLable(i),index(i)) = 1;
Any question or advice please email to wjcper2008@126.com.
- Last updated: Feb 1, 2015