A Demo Matlab code for MVSVML1 for multi-projections problems with outliers. (You could Right-Click [Code] , and Save, then you can download the whole matlab code.)
Wei-Jie Chen, Chun-Na Li, Yuan-Hai Shao and Nai-Yang Deng. Robust L1-norm multi-weight vector projection support vector machine for pattern recognition[J]. Submitted. 2017.
function ClassAC = MVSVM_L1(Data,d)
% Robust L1-norm based MVSVM classifier for multi-projections problems with outliers.
% ClassAC = MVSVM_L1(Data,d)
% Input:
% Data - Struct value in Matlab (including train and test dataset)
% Data.TrainX: Input dataset N-by-D data matrix. (N examples, D dimensions)
% Data.TrainY: Label Y matrix.(Label 1 and 2)
% Data.TestX: Input dataset N-by-D data matrix. (N examples, D dimensions)
% Data.TestY: Label Y matrix. (Label 1 and 2)
% d - number of projection vectors (d <= Feature).
% Output:
% ClassAC - The test accuracy.
% Examples:
% nFea = 10;
% nTrain = 100;
% nTest = 100;
% Data.TrainX = [rand(nTrain,nFea);rand(nTrain,nFea)+ 2];
% Data.TrainY = [ones(nTrain,1);2*ones(nTrain,1)];
% Data.TestX = [rand(nTest,nFea);rand(nTest,nFea)+ 2;];
% Data.TestY = [ones(nTest,1);2*ones(nTest,1)];
% ClassAC = MVSVM_L1(Data,10);
% Reference:
% Wei-Jie Chen, Chun-Na Li, Yuan-Hai Shao and Nai-Yang Deng, "Robust L1-norm
% multi-weight vector projection support vector machine for pattern recognition" Submitted. 2015.
% version 1.0 --Jun/2015
% version 1.1 --Aug/2015
% Written by Wei-Jie Chen (wjcper2008@126.com)
% Initailization
[~,nFea] = size(Data.TrainX);
gamma = 0.0005; %the learning rate parameter
classLabel = unique(Data.TrainY);
nClass = length(classLabel);
ClassAC = zeros(d,1);
fw = zeros(nFea,d,nClass);
Mean = zeros(nClass,nFea);
% Greedy Search Algorithm find multiple features for each class
for c = 1:nClass
A = Data.TrainX((Data.TrainY==classLabel(c)),:);
N_A = length(A(:,1));
B = Data.TrainX; N_B = length(B(:,1));
Mean(c,:) = mean(A,1); %mean of k-class, row vector
% MVSVM_L1 with multiple projection vectors
for k=1:d
mean_k = mean(A,1); %mean of k-class in subspace
BarA = A - repmat(mean_k,N_A,1); BarB= B - repmat(mean_k,N_B,1);
obj = 0;
% w-random initialization
Norm2X = sum(BarB.^2,2).^0.5;
[~,index] = max(Norm2X);
w = Data.TrainX(index,:)';
w = w/norm(w);
% MVSVM_L1 for one projection vector
while 1
% Polarity check
Q = sign(BarA*w);
P = sign(BarB*w);
% Update g(wn) for equ(22)
GL = sum(diag(P)*BarB); GLD = GL*w;
GR = sum(diag(Q)*BarA); GRD = GR*w;
% Check two denominators in equ (22) whether to 0
if (GLD ==0) || (GRD ==0)
w = w + (rand(nFea, 1)-0.5)*0.002;
w = w/norm(w); %normalize w
fprintf('Convergence break,De:%d\n',k);
wn = w + gamma*G';
wn = wn/norm(wn); %normalize wn
% Convergence check
objn = sum(abs(BarA*wn))/sum(abs(BarB*wn));
if abs(objn - obj) < 0.0001
fprintf('Convergence for Class: %d, %d projection vectors\n',c,k);
obj = objn;
w = wn;
fw(:,k,c) = wn/norm(wn);
% remainder of Data in subspace for equ(41)
A = A - (A*wn)*wn'; B = B - (B*wn)*wn';
clear BarA BarB
clear A B
% Predict and output
nTest = length(Data.TestX(:,1));
DemTeX = zeros(nTest,d,c);
for c=1:nClass
DemTeX(:,:,c) =abs( (Data.TestX - repmat(Mean(c,:),nTest,1) )*fw(:,:,c) );
for k=1:d
[~,PTestY] = min(sum(DemTeX(:,1:k,:),2),[],3);
ClassAC(k) = sum(PTestY == Data.TestY)/length(PTestY);