A Matlab code of Robust and sparse linear discriminant analysis via
alternating direction method of multipliers
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Chun-Na Li, Yuan-Hai Shao*, Wo-Tao Yin, and Ming-Zeng Liu. Robust and sparse linear discriminant analysis via
alternating direction method of multipliers[J]. Submitted. [Slides]
function [W] = RSLDA(Data, Prjdim, RSLDAPara)
% RLDA and RSLDA: Robust and sparse linear discriminant analysis via
% alternating direction method of multiplier
% Input:
% Data: Data.trainX - the training samples;
% Data.trainY - the labels corresponding to training samples;
% Prjdim: - the dimension to be projected;
% RSLDAPara.method - 0 or 1, 0 to perform RLDA, and 1 to perform RSLDA
% RSLADPara: the parameters for RLDA and RSLDA.
% RSLDAPara.rho - the augment lagrangian parameter;
% RSLDAPara.lambda - the lambda for RLDA and RSLDA.
% RSLDAPara.sigm - the sigma for RLDA and RSLDA.
% RSLDAPara.tol - the epsilon for RLDA and RSLDA.
% W: -the project vectors: dim x Prjdim;
% dim: the dimension of samples;
% Prjdim: the number of projection vector;
% Example:
% Data.trainX = rand(50,10);
% Data.trainY = [ones(25,1);-ones(25,1)]
% Prjdim = 5;
% RSLDAPara.method = 1;
% RSLDAPara.rho = 5;
% RSLDAPara.lambda = 0.5;
% RSLDAPara.sigm = 0.05;;
% RSLDAPara.tol = 1e-3;
% Predict_Y = RSLDA(Data, Prjdim, RSLDAPara);
% Reference:
% Li C N, Shao Y H, Yin W T, Liu M Z. Robust and sparse linear discriminant
% analysis via alternating direction method of multipliers.
% Version 1.0 -- Oct/2017
% Written by Ming-Zeng Liu and Chun-Na Li (mzliu@dlut.edu.cn and na1013na@163.com)
%% function begin ....
rho = RSLDAPara.rho;
lambda = RSLDAPara.lambda;
sigm = RSLDAPara.sigm;
tol = RSLDAPara.tol;
fea = Data.trainX;
gnd = Data.trainY;
[nsams, dim] = size(fea);
I = eye(dim);
[nsamsc,labels] = hist(gnd, unique(gnd));
nc = numel(labels);
% Proj vector matrix;
W = zeros(dim,Prjdim);
for k = 1:Prjdim
clsmean = zeros(nc, dim); % mean for each class
Sw = zeros(dim,dim); % Sw: Scatter matrix within class
for i = 1:nc
%% calculate the mean of each class
cls_idx = (gnd == labels(i));
clsmean(i,:) = mean(fea(cls_idx,:),1);
Sw = Sw + (fea(cls_idx,:)-repmat(clsmean(i,:),nsamsc(i),1))'*...
Sw = Sw/nsams;
X0 = (clsmean - repmat(mean(fea,1),nc,1))' * diag(nsamsc);
% rand initial
w = rand(dim,1);
u2 = rand(dim,1);
y = rand(nc,1);
u1 = rand(nc,1);
% convergence conditions
% eps_pri_one, eps_pri_two eps_dual_one, eps_dual_two
eps_pri_one = 1.0;
eps_pri_two = 1.0;
eps_dual_one = 1.0;
eps_dual_two = 1.0;
% iteration count
iter_while = 1;
Ginv = (X0*X0' + I + 2*lambda/rho * Sw)\I;
while ( (eps_pri_one > tol) || ...
(eps_pri_two > tol) || ...
(eps_dual_one > tol) || ...
(eps_dual_two > tol) )
%% solve z
z = Ginv * (X0 * (y - u1) + (w - u2)); % Ginv * g
%% solve y
y0 = y;
Xz = X0'*z;
y = Xz + u1;
y(y>=0) = y(y>=0) + 1/rho;
y(y<0) = y(y<0) - 1/rho;
%% solve w
w0 = w;
w = z - u2; % The solution of w to RLDA
% For RSLDA, the following codes are also needed
if RSLDAPara.method == 1
ka = sigm/rho;
w(w > ka) = w(w > ka) - ka;
w(w < -ka) = w(w < -ka) + ka;
w( w<=ka & w>=-ka) = 0;
%% solve u1 and u2
u1 = u1 + Xz - y;
u2 = u2 + w - z;
eps_pri_one_old = eps_pri_one;
eps_pri_two_old = eps_pri_two;
eps_dual_one_old = eps_dual_one;
eps_dual_two_old = eps_dual_two;
eps_pri_one = norm(Xz - y);
eps_pri_two = norm(w - z);
eps_dual_one = norm( X0*(y - y0));
eps_dual_two = norm(w - w0);
if iter_while > 1000
if ( (abs(eps_pri_one - eps_pri_one_old ) < 1E-3) && ...
(abs(eps_pri_two - eps_pri_two_old ) < 1E-3) && ...
(abs(eps_dual_one - eps_dual_one_old ) < 1E-3 )&& ...
(abs(eps_dual_two - eps_dual_two_old ) < 1E-3) )
iter_while = iter_while + 1;
end % end while
W(:,k) = w;
fea = fea - (fea * w) * w';
Any question or advice please email to na1013na@163.com or shaoyuanhai21@163.com.
- Last updated: Jan 5, 2019