

A Demo Matlab code (L2n_TeL2SVR_M.mat) for "Large Scale Non-convex Regression with Truncated Loss via Majorization-Minimization Algorithm" (TLRM). (Click [Here] to download the matlab codes for other methods in TLRM.)


Ling-Wei Huang, Yuan-Hai Shao, Xiao-Jing Lv, Chun-Na Li. Large Scale Non-convex Regression with Truncated Loss via Majorization-Minimization Algorithm. Submitted to European Journal of Operational Research, EJOR-D-23-02033.

Main Function

Required: the mex files "LIB_train_L2.mexw64","LIB_predict_L2.mexw64" of LIBSVM, or "Linear_train.mexw64", "Linear_predict.mexw64" of Liblinear.

[ PredictY , model ] = L2n_TeL2SVR_M( ValX , Trn , Para ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Solving L2-norm Truncated-eL2-loss SVR by TLRM % % min 0.5*w'*w + C * min{ L2(aerr) , L2(mu) } % % s.t. L2(z) = max{z-eps,0}^2 % % aerr = |Y-(X*w+b)| % % Ref - Ling-Wei Huang, Yuan-Hai Shao*, Xiao-Jing Lv, Chun-Na Li. % % Large Scale Non-convex Regression with Truncated Loss via Majorization-Minimization Algorithm. % % Submitted to European Journal of Operational Research, 2024. % % Site - http://www.optimal-group.org/Resources/Code/TLRM.html. % _______________________________ Input _______________________________ % Trn.X - m x n matrix, explanatory variables in training data % Trn.Y - m x 1 vector, response variables in training data % ValX - mt x n matrix, explanatory variables in Validation data % Para.p1 - the emperical risk parameter C % Para.p2 - the eps-insensitive parameter % Para.p3 - the truncated related parameter for residual or loss % Para.kpar - kernel para, include type and para value of kernel % ______________________________ Output ______________________________ % PredictY - mt x 1 vector, predicted response variables for ValX % model - model related info: w, b, nSV/wks, time, iter, etc. % % % Written by Ling-Wei Huang. % % Latest Update: 2023.04.05. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Base Model Switch - control variable: BM % % 0 -- LIBLINEAR_L2n_eL2SVR_primal (Default) [1b] % % with bias in decision funciton, but NOT in objective funciton. % % 1 -- LIBLINEAR_L2n_eL2SVR_primal [2b] % % with bias in decision funciton, and in objective funciton. % % 2 -- LIBLINEAR_L2n_eL2SVR_primal (Not recommanded) [0b] % % NEITHER bias in decision funciton, NOR in objective funciton. % % 3 -- LIBLINEAR_L2n_eL2SVR_dual [2b] % % with bias in decision funciton, and in objective funciton. % % 4 -- LIBLINEAR_L2n_eL2SVR_dual (Not recommanded) [0b] % % NEITHER bias in decision funciton, NOR in objective funciton. % % 5 -- LIBSVM_L2n_eL2SVR % % kernel method can be used % % 6 -- standard SVR_dual via QP
%% Usage % load T14+c1+m200+1000+0+Uniform+IQR.mat % Trn.X = X; Trn.Y = Y; % ValX = X_t; ValY = Y_t; % Para.p1 = 10^0; % Para.rY = 0.5*range(Y); % Para.iqr = iqr(Y); % Para.p2 = 0.15; % Para.p3 = 0.3; % Para.kpar.ktype = "rbf"; % Para.kpar.kp1 = 2^6; % [PredictY,model] = L2n_TeL2SVR_M( ValX , Trn , Para); % RMSE = sqrt(sum((PredictY-ValY).^2)/length(ValY));
%% Input X0 = sparse(Trn.X); Y0 = Trn.Y; C = Para.p1; epsl = Para.p2 * Para.rY; mu=epsl+Para.p3 * Para.rY; kpar = Para.kpar; ktype = kpar.ktype; kp1 = kpar.kp1; BM = 0; if ktype~="lin", BM = 5; end BMFun_trn = str2func("Linear_train"); BMFun_prd = str2func("Linear_predict"); switch BM case 0 opt = sprintf('-s 11 -B 1 -R -c %f -p %f -q', C, epsl); % primal 1b case 1 opt = sprintf('-s 11 -B 1 -c %f -p %f -q', C, epsl); % primal 2b case 2 opt = sprintf('-s 11 -c %f -p %f -q', C, epsl); % primal 0b case 3 opt = sprintf('-s 12 -B 1 -c %f -p %f -q', C, epsl); % dual 2b case 4 opt = sprintf('-s 12 -c %f -p %f -q', C, epsl); % dual 0b case 5 BMFun_trn = str2func("LIB_train_L2"); BMFun_prd = str2func("LIB_predict_L2"); switch ktype case "lin" opt = sprintf('-s 3 -t 0 -c %f -p %f -q', C, epsl); case "poly" gamma = 1; coef0 = 0; degree = kp1; opt = sprintf('-s 3 -t 1 -c %f -p %f -g %f -r %f -d %f -q', C, epsl, gamma, coef0, degree); case "rbf" gamma = kp1; opt = sprintf('-s 3 -t 2 -c %f -p %f -g %f -q', C, epsl, gamma); case "sig" gamma = kp1; coef0 = 0; opt = sprintf('-s 3 -t 2 -c %f -p %f -g %f -r %f -h 0 -q', C, epsl, gamma, coef0); case "pre" opt = sprintf('-s 3 -t 4 -c %f -p %f -h 0 -q', C, epsl); end end
%% Initialization tt = tic; [m,n]= size(X0); em = ones(m,1); switch BM case {0,1,3} % ppd 122b wbk = zeros(n+1,1); case {2,4} % pd 0b wbk = zeros(n,1); case 5 % nonlinear zm1 = zeros(m+1,1); aabk = zm1; end aerr = em;
%% Liblinear/Libsvm-based iter for iter = 1 : 100 id_le = aerr <= mu; if iter==1, wks=logical(em); else, wks=id_le; end % Good init if min(aerr)>mu, wks=aerr<=prctile(aerr,50); end X = X0(wks,:); Y = Y0(wks); model = BMFun_trn( Y , X , opt ); aerr = abs( Y0 - BMFun_prd(em, X0, model, '-q') ); if BM == 5 aab = zm1; tmp = zeros(length(Y),1); tmp(model.sv_indices) = model.sv_coef; aab(wks) = tmp; idsv = aab~=0; aab(end) = -model.rho; else wb = model.w'; end if BM == 5 if norm(aabk - aab)/norm(aab) < 1e-6, break, end aabk = aab; else if norm(wbk - wb)/norm(wb) < 1e-3, break, end wbk = wb; end end tr_time = toc(tt);
%% Prediction & Output ValX = sparse(ValX); [mv,~] = size(ValX); [PredictY,~,~] = BMFun_prd(ones(mv,1), ValX, model, '-q'); switch BM case {0,1,3} model.b = model.w(end); model.w = model.w(1:end-1)'; % -B: w=[weight;bias] model.n_SV = -1; case 5 model.w = model.SVs' * model.sv_coef ; model.b = -model.rho; model.n_SV = model.totalSV; model.ind_SV = idsv; case {2,4} model.b = 0; model.w = model.w'; % -B: w=[weight;bias] model.n_SV = -1; end model.tr_time = tr_time; model.n_iter = iter; model.n_wks = sum(wks); % working set final round end

Any question or advice please email to Ling-Wei Huang (xhuanglw@163.com).

  • Last updated: Apr 14, 2024.