

TWSVM is a twin support vector machine for binary classification. This package provides an implementation of the TBSVM (TWSVM is a special case of TBSVM) method by Matlab code. (You could Right-Click [Code] , and Save, then you can download the whole matlab code.)


Yuan-Hai Shao, Chun-Hua Zhang, Xiao-Bo. Wang, Nai-Yang Deng*. Improvements on Twin Support Vector Machines[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2011, 22(6): 962-968.

Yuan-Hai Shao, Nai-Yang Deng*, Zhi-Ming Yang, Wei-Jie Chen, Zhen Wang. Probabilistic outputs for twin support vector machines[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012, 33: 145–151.

Main Function

Need kernel function and SOR function.

function Predict_Y = TWSVM(TestX,DataTrain,FunPara) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TWSVM: Twin Support Vector Machine % % Predict_Y = TWSVM(TestX,DataTrain,FunPara) % % Input: % TestX - Test Data matrix. Each row vector of fea is a data point. % % DataTrain - Struct value in Matlab(Training data). % DataTrain.A: Positive input of Data matrix. % DataTrain.B: Negative input of Data matrix. % % FunPara - Struct value in Matlab. The fields in options that can be set: % c1: [0,inf] Paramter to tune the weight. % c2: [0,inf] Paramter to tune the weight. % c3: [0,inf] Paramter to tune the weight. % c4: [0,inf] Paramter to tune the weight. % kerfPara:Kernel parameters. See kernelfun.m. % % Output: % Predict_Y - Predict value of the TestX. % % Examples: % DataTrain.A = rand(50,10); % DataTrain.B = rand(60,10); % TestX=rand(20,10); % FunPara.c1=0.1; % FunPara.c2=0.1; % FunPara.c3=0.1; % FunPara.c4=0.1; % FunPara.kerfPara.type = 'lin'; % Predict_Y = TWSVM(TestX,DataTrain,FunPara); % % Reference: % Y.-H. Shao, C.-H. Chun, X.-B. Wang, N.-Y. Deng.Improvements on Twin % Support Vector Machines.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2011, 22 % (6):962-968. % % Version 1.0 --Apr/2013 % % Written by Yuan-Hai Shao (shaoyuanhai21@163.com) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Initailization %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %tic; Xpos = DataTrain.A; Xneg = DataTrain.B; cpos = FunPara.c1; cneg = FunPara.c2; eps1 = FunPara.c3; eps2 = FunPara.c4; kerfPara = FunPara.kerfPara; m1=size(Xpos,1); m2=size(Xneg,1); e1=-ones(m1,1); e2=-ones(m2,1); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Compute Kernel %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmp(kerfPara.type,'lin') H=[Xpos,-e1]; G=[Xneg,-e2]; else X=[DataTrain.A;DataTrain.B]; H=[kernelfun(Xpos,kerfPara,X),-e1]; G=[kernelfun(Xneg,kerfPara,X),-e2]; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Compute (w1,b1) and (w2,b2) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%DTWSVM1 HH=H'*H; HH = HH + eps1*eye(size(HH));%regularization HHG = HH\G'; kerH1=G*HHG; kerH1=(kerH1+kerH1')/2; alpha=qpSOR(kerH1,0.5,cpos,0.05); %SOR vpos=-HHG*alpha; %%%%DTWSVM2 QQ=G'*G; QQ=QQ + eps2*eye(size(QQ));%regularization QQP=QQ\H'; kerH1=H*QQP; kerH1=(kerH1+kerH1')/2; gamma=qpSOR(kerH1,0.5,cneg,0.05); vneg=QQP*gamma; clear kerH1 H G HH HHG QQ QQP; w1=vpos(1:(length(vpos)-1)); b1=vpos(length(vpos)); w2=vneg(1:(length(vneg)-1)); b2=vneg(length(vneg)); %toc; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Predict and output %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% m=size(TestX,1); if strcmp(kerfPara.type,'lin') H=TestX; w11=sqrt(w1'*w1); w22=sqrt(w2'*w2); y1=H*w1+b1*ones(m,1); y2=H*w2+b2*ones(m,1); else C=[DataTrain.A;DataTrain.B]; H=kernelfun(TestX,kerfPara,C); w11=sqrt(w1'*kernelfun(X,kerfPara,C)*w1); w22=sqrt(w2'*kernelfun(X,kerfPara,C)*w2); y1=H*w1+b1*ones(m,1); y2=H*w2+b2*ones(m,1); end wp=sqrt(2+2*w1'*w2/(w11*w22)); wm=sqrt(2-2*w1'*w2/(w11*w22)); clear H; clear C; m1=y1/w11; m2=y2/w22; MP=(m1+m2)/wp; MN=(m1-m2)/wm; mind=min(abs(MP),abs(MN)); maxd=max(abs(MP),abs(MN)); Predict_Y = sign(abs(m2)-abs(m1));

Any question or advice please email to shaoyuanhai21@163.com.