

A Matlab code for weighted linear loss twin support vector machine for pattern classification. [Code]


Yuan-Hai Shao,Wei-Jie Chen,Zhen Wang,Nai-Yang Deng*. WLTSVM: An ecient weighted linear loss twin support vector machine for pattern classi cation[J]. Submitted.

Main Function

Need kernel function.

function Predict_Y = WLTSVM(TestX,DataTrain,FunPara) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % WLTSVM: An efficient weighted linear loss twin support vector machine for pattern classification % % Predict_Y = WLTSVM(TestX,DataTrain,FunPara) % % Input: % TestX - Test Data matrix. Each row vector of fea is a data point. % % DataTrain - Struct value in Matlab(Training data). % DataTrain.A: Positive input of Data matrix. % DataTrain.B: Negative input of Data matrix. % % FunPara - Struct value in Matlab. The fields in options that can be set: % c1,c2,c3,c4: [0,inf] Paramter to tune the weight. % kerfPara:Kernel parameters. See kernelfun.m. % % Output: % Predict_Y - Predict value of the TestX. % % Examples: % DataTrain.A = rand(50,10); % DataTrain.B = rand(60,10); % TestX=rand(20,10); % FunPara.c1=.1; % FunPara.c2=.1; % FunPara.c3=.1; % FunPara.c4=.1; % FunPara.kerfPara.type = 'lin'; % Predict_Y =WLTSVM(TestX,DataTrain,FunPara); % % Reference: % Yuan-Hai Shao, Wei-Jie Chen, Zhen Wang and Nai-Yang Deng, "WLTSVM: An efficient weighted % linear loss twin support vector machine for pattern classification" % Submitted 2013 % % Version 1.0 --May/2013 % % Written by Yuan-Hai Shao (shaoyuanhai21@163.com) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Initailization %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% tic; Xpos = DataTrain.A; Xneg = DataTrain.B; c1 = FunPara.c1; c2 = FunPara.c2; c3 = FunPara.c3; c4 = FunPara.c4; kerfPara = FunPara.kerfPara; [m1,n] = size(Xpos); [m2,n] = size(Xneg); e1 = ones(m1,1); e2 = ones(m2,1); %linear kernel if strcmp(kerfPara.type,'lin') Xpos=[Xpos,e1]; Xneg=[Xneg,e2]; else %nonlinear kernel if m>1000 %reduced kernel TempX=[Xpos;Xneg]; X = TempX(crossvalind('Kfold',TempX(:,1),10)==1,:); clear TempX; else X=[Xpos;Xneg]; end Xpos=[kernelfun(Xpos,kerfPara,X),e1]; Xneg=[kernelfun(Xneg,kerfPara,X),e2]; TestX=kernelfun(TestX,kerfPara,X); X=kernelfun(X,kerfPara); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % training process %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if size(Xpos,1)>size(Xpos,2) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% directly %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% w1=-c1*( (Xpos'*Xpos)+c3*eye(size(Xpos,2)) )\Xneg'*e2*(m1/(m1+m2)); w2=c2*( (Xneg'*Xneg)+c4*eye(size(Xpos,2)) )\Xpos'*e1*(m2/(m1+m2)); else %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SMW fomular(if necessary) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% tmpr=Xpos'/(eye(size(Xpos,1))+1/c3*(Xpos*Xpos'))*Xpos/c3; SumG = sum(Xneg,1)';SumH = sum(Xpos,1)'; w1=-c1/c3*(SumG-tmpr*SumG); tmpr=Xneg'/(eye(size(Xneg,1))+1/c4*(Xneg*Xneg'))*Xneg/c4; w2=c2/c4*(SumH-tmpr*SumH); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% weighted process %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xi2=Xneg*w1+e2; eta1=e1-Xpos*w2; J1=mean(abs(xi2)); J2=mean(abs(eta1)); for i=1:m2 if xi2(i)>J1 v1(i)=.00001; else v1(i)=1; end end for i=1:m1 if eta1(i)>J2 v2(i)=.00001; else v2(i)=1; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % training again %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% directly %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% w1=-c1*( (Xpos'*Xpos)+c3*eye(size(Xpos,2)) )\Xneg'*v1'; w2=c2*( (Xneg'*Xneg)+c4*eye(size(Xpos,2)) )\Xpos'*v2'; % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SMW fomular(if necessary) %%%%%%%%%% % tmpr=Xpos'/(eye(size(Xpos,1))+1/c3*(Xpos*Xpos'))*Xpos/c3; % SumG = sum(Xneg,1)';SumH = sum(Xpos,1)'; % w1=-c1/c3*(SumG-tmpr*SumG); % tmpr=Xneg'/(eye(size(Xneg,1))+1/c4*(Xneg*Xneg'))*Xneg/c4; % w2=c2/c4*(SumH-tmpr*SumH); % end toc; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Predict and output %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% m=size(TestX,1);m1 = size(w1,1);m2 = size(w2,1); e = ones(m,1); b1 = w1(m1); b2 = w2(m2); w1 = w1(1:m1-1); w2 = w2(1:m2-1); if strcmp(kerfPara.type,'lin') w11=sqrt(w1'*w1); w22=sqrt(w2'*w2); else w11=sqrt(w1'*X*w1); w22=sqrt(w2'*X*w2); end Y1=TestX*w1+b1*e; Y2=TestX*w2+b2*e; Y1 = Y1/w11; Y2 = Y2/w22; DarwY.Y1 = Y1; DarwY.Y2 = Y2; DarwY.Y3 = abs(Y2)-abs(Y1); Predict_Y=sign(DarwY.Y3); end

Any question or advice please email to shaoyuanhai21@163.com.