College of Science, China Agriculture Univercity, P.O.Box 483, Beijing 100083, China
Nai-Yang Deng received his B.Sc. and M.Sc.degrees in the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics from Peking University,
China, in 1962 and 1966, respectively. He joined the Department of Science College of China Agriculture University as a professor in 1990,
he is a Part-time Professor of Shanghai University from 1994.
He has wide research interests, mainly including computational methods for optimization, operation research, support vector machine in data mining and bioinformatics. In these areas, he has published over 100 papers in leading international journals or conferences.
Zhen Wang , Yuan-Hai Shao*, Lan Bai, Nai-Yang Deng. Twin Support Vector Machine for Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2014, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2014.2379930. [Code].
Yuan-Hai Shao*, Chun-Na Li, Zhen Wang , Ming-Zeng Liu, Nai-Yang Deng. Proximal Classifier via Absolute Value Inequalities. In: Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDM'14), Shenzhen, China, 2014.
Y.-H. Shao, L. Bai, Z. Wang, X.-Y. Hua, N.-Y. Deng*. Proximal Plane Clustering via Eigenvalues. Procedia Computer Science (IAITQM), 2013,17: 41–47.
Y.-H. Shao, W.-J. Chen, W.-B. Huang, Z.-M. Yang, N.-Y. Deng*. The Best Separating Decision Tree Twin Support Vector Machine for Multi-Class Classification. Procedia Computer Science (IAITQM), 2013,17: 1032-1038.
Y.-H. Shao, C.-H. Zhang, Z.-M. Yang, L. Jing, N.-Y. Deng*. An \varepsilon-twin support vector machine for regression. Neural Computing and Applications,2013, 23:175–185 [Code].
Y.-H. Shao, N.-Y. Deng*. A novel margin based twin support vector machine with unity norm hyperplanes. Neural Computing and Applications, 2013, 22(7-8):1627-1635.
Y.-H. Shao, Z. Wang, W.-J. Chen,N.-Y. Deng*. Least squares twin parametric-margin support vector machines for classification. Applied Intelligence, 2013,39(3):451-464.
Y.-H. Shao,Z. Wang, W.-J. Chen, N.-Y. Deng*. A regularization for the projection twin support vector machine. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2013,37:203–210.
Y.-H. Shao, C.-H. Chun, X.-B. Wang, N.-Y. Deng*.Improvements on Twin Support Vector Machines.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.22 no.6 pp. 962-968, 2011. [Code] [Data].
Y.-X. Li, Y.-H. Shao, L. Jing, N.-Y. Deng*. An Efficient Support Vector Machine Approach for Identifying Protein S-Nitrosylation Sites.
Protein \& Peptide Letters, 2011, 18(6): 573-587(15).
Y.-X. Li, Y.-H. Shao,N.-Y. Deng*. Improved Prediction of Palmitoylation SitesUsing PWMs and SVM.
Protein \& Peptide Letters,2011, 18(2): 186-193(8).